uHemp is Europe’s largest CBD producer
Private suppliers to the trade since 1999. uHemp CBD extract is produced from organically grown Hemp Cannabis Sativa in the EU using CO2 extraction under the supervision of PhD scientists.
uHemp collaborate with top-tier biochemists & neuroscientists on a vast international scale to help improve and refine our products through continiusresearch and testing. Third party testing is performed by pharmaceutical and analytical laboratories
uHemp are the world leaders in innovation and production of hemp. The company has unique expertise from growing the crop to setting quality standards, from developing processing techniques to understanding relevant applications and consumer trends in health, wellbeing and clean label foods.
Our supercritical CO2 extraction guarantees that the final product is absolutely pure and safe. Our brand experience gives us insight, empathy and understanding of the needs of our customers. uHemp operates unique processes and we work with leading food producers and retailers across the world.
uHemp is part of the Eirlab research group – uhemp.eu/eirlab-research-group/